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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to book an appointment?

Yes, we require all appointments to be booked in advance.  We want to get to know you and your pet so that we can tailor our service to suit you.  By booking a consultation or appointment, we can ensure that we have all of the necessary information and make adjustments to suit your pet if necessary.  Additionally, we often have very busy periods, so by booking an appointment in advanced, your pet won’t be left disappointed if we are unable to offer a last minute appointment.  


Booking an appointment with us is easy. You can do so by calling our friendly team on 01892 533992 or by booking online at

where you can set up your very own pet profile to manage your bookings.


What age should my puppy be professionally groomed?

Introducing your puppy to grooming from an early age is a vital part of puppy training. We recommend that you start this process at home by desensitising them with frequent touching of paws, teeth, nails, ears, and inner thighs to condition your pup with all over handling. Once your puppy is comfortable with this, you can introduce gentle brushing in preparation for their professional groom.


We recommend that puppies are introduced to professional grooming after their final inoculations at around 12 weeks old.  Regardless of the length of their coat, getting them used to grooming from a young age will help to build confidence and make their future experiences much less stressful. We aim to provide a stress free service and allow additional time for your puppy to play and explore our salon to ensure that it is a positive experience. Generally speaking, puppies should be groomed every month up to 6 months old, then the frequency of grooms will depend on  their breed and coat type.


If you need any advice on puppy grooming, please contact us and we will be happy to help.


How often does my pet need to be groomed and how much will it cost?

The regularity of professional grooming will depend on your pets breed and will be advised during the consultation. The costs displayed on our website are a guide and will depend on your pets coat condition and their temperament, again this will be advised during the consultation. Please note that additional fees will be applied for pets with fleas or severe matting.


Why does my dog haircut cost more than mine?

Do you poop at the hairdressers? Do you scratch, bite, jump around or lick your hairdressers face? Do you go eight weeks without washing or brushing your hair? Does your hairdresser clean your bum or tend to hair that’s not on your head? Does your hair dresser clean your eyes, ears or provide a manicure and pedicure? Does your hairdresser provide a visual health check? Does your hair cut take between one to three hours?


No?!  Having the peace of mind leaving your beloved pet with a professional, qualified and experienced groomer….priceless!


What happens if my dog is knotty or matted?

We know it can be difficult to manage some coat types including double, long or curly coated breeds. These coat types can knot very easily which quickly turns to matting if not managed. Matts are extremely painful to brush out and can cause a number of other health issues. We adhere to the Animal Welfare Act and therefore we will not inflict any unnecessary pain or suffering to your pet.  


If your pet has a few knots, we will remove these gently with a brush, de-tangling tool or scissors and blend with the rest of the coat where possible. If your dog is matted then the safest and kindest option is to shave the coat short and manage it as it grows back.  We will advise the best option for your pet during the consultation and provide you with advice on grooming regularity, a more manageable style as well as advising on the correct tools for you to use at home. 


Can my pet's teeth be cleaned?

We currently only offer teeth cleaning for dogs. Dental disease affects approximately 80% of dogs by the time they reach 3 years old therefor preventative care is a must to prevent tartar, gingivitis and periodontitis, which can lead to tooth loss.  


Pop in for a free consultation so that we can access your dogs teeth and ensure that they will allow us to clean their teeth without anaesthetic. If your dog is showing signs of abscesses, loose or broken teeth or severe tartar then we will refer you to a vet for treatment instead and set a treatment plan for maintenance sessions instead.


Please note that our teeth cleaning service is an additional service and is not included with our pet grooms.


What products do you use?

We only use quality products that we have researched, tested and sourced from reputable suppliers. It is really important to us that any product we use is cruelty free, free from harsh chemicals and artificial fragrances and includes vitamins to promote a healthy coat. The products that we use will depend on the breed and coat type and will be discussed during the consultation. We are also happy to use medicated shampoo as prescribed by your vet.  


We predominantly use Wahl pet products and are also getting fantastic feedback on our new products from Hownd. To view the range of products that we use in more detail, please visit our online shop.


What should we do before an appointment?

Feeding:  we recommend feeding your pet no less than two hours before their appointment. This helps to avoid accidents, sickness and abdominal discomfort. 


Toilet: please ensure that your dog or cat has been for a toilet before coming to their appointment. Ideally a number one and two! This will ensure that we have an uninterrupted groom with no accidents.


Exercise: we recommend exercising your dog before their appointment.  There is nothing harder than grooming an over excited dog and we want them to be as calm as possible. If exercising is not an option, then perhaps provide a mentally stimulating game to tire them before their appointment.  


Treats: bring along their favourite treats or toy to help us build their trust. We have toys and treats available but for new or anxious pets, familiarity is key. We will also ask what commands you use so that they feel more at home.


Be calm: our pets sense our anxiety so if you are worried about the grooming process, please book a consultation beforehand or call us to discuss further. We are here to help you and your pet.


Health: ensure they are fully vaccinated, protected against parasites and are healthy enough to be groomed.  If your pet has any pre-existing health issues, please let us know so that we can make any necessary adjustments to make their groom more comfortable.


Can I stay with my pet whilst they are being groomed?

We know it can be a little daunting to leave your pet, that’s why we offer free consultations so that we can get to know you and your pet whilst giving you the opportunity to view our salon and ask any questions you may have. More often than not, we do not recommend that you stay for the duration as it can make them too excitable to be safely groomed. However, we always try to tailor our service to you and your pet, so speak to us beforehand and we will accommodate in the best interest of your pet.


Why do you charge a deposit?

Pet grooming is not just our passion, but our full time profession. Like many small businesses, we have unfortunately had many no shows or last minute cancellations that are then difficult to fill at the last minute. By paying a small deposit, this secures your appointment slot. You can cancel or amend your appointment with 48 hours notice by calling us or managing your appointments via your own online pet portal via our website.


My dog is cross breed, what appointment should I book?

We book our appointments by breed to ensure that you are getting the correct service. We have all recognised breeds included but with the popularity and variations of cross breeds, we could not include them all. If your dog is crossed with a poodle, please book them in as a ‘doodle’. If your dog is a different cross breed or is of unknown breeds, please book them under the breed they are most like. If you are unsure, then please call us and we will be happy to advise and help you book your appointment.


My dog is in season, can she still be professionally groomed?

We don’t accept bitches in season or if they are pregnant. They are much more sensitive due to the hormone changes and grooming can be uncomfortable or distressing for them. We recommend a gentle home groom ensuring that their hygiene areas are kept as clean as possible with a shallow bath or pet cleaning wipes. Please contact us if you would like further advice.


Do you use drying cabinets or cages?

Whilst these can be very efficient in drying your pet, we do not use caged dryers for health and safety reasons. We prefer to dry our pets by hand so that we get to know every inch of your pet, enabling us to carry out health check and ensure that your pet is accustomed to the drying sensation and noises. We do not use cages and our salon offers more space along with an area for socialisation, play, relaxing or napping. We also have a separate room for anxious or reactive pets who find grooming a little overwhelming. 


Will my pet be safe in your salon?

Our new salon has been specifically designed with your pets safety and welfare as our top priority. It is equipped with professional and regularly maintained equipment that aids mobility along with air conditioning and heating for your pets comfort. Our salon has a secure waiting area with double pet gates and is secure at all times using a buzz in system, with full CCTV coverage. Perfectly located in a quiet area just off of London Road, your pet will be in safe hands in our salon, whilst you enjoy time in and around Southborough.

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